The Tutu Chronicles: Simply Styling a Fashion Tutu

Though I am a ballerina at heart, a tutu is not a luxury saved only for ballet dancers. Wearing a tutu is also a fashion statement.
“The tutu is a dress worn as a costume in a classical ballet performance, often with attached bodice. It may be made of tarlatan, muslin, silk, tulle, gauze, or nylon. Modern tutus have two basic types: the Romantic tutu is soft and bell-shaped, reaching the calf or ankle; the Classical tutu is short and stiff, projecting horizontally from the waist and hip. ”

Thank you to Wikipedia for the detailed definition of what a tutu is- but I refute the fact that a tutu is only worn as a costume in classical ballet.

Back in 2010 I remember thinking I would step on the stage for the last time in my pointe shoes and the candy-apple-red romantic tutu & arm puff get-up my mom had sewn me- I thought I would never perform or get to wear a tutu again. Well, I was wrong on both accounts.
Just a few years later I was stepping on stage again (this time in heels and next-to-nothing) performing at nightclubs and music festivals, but I also started wearing my mom’s home-sewn tutu’s as a fashion statement. And though I will always be a ballerina at heart, a tutu is not a luxury saved only for dancers. And no, you don’t need to be going to Prom to wear one either.
Wearing a tutu is a playful declaration of femininity and adds an undeniable chic-ness to your classic skirt ensemble.

A tutu gives me a sense of unapologetic glamour that says Hello World, Yes- It’s Me.

Today, I paired my tutu with a leather jacket and a pair of white sneakers for that easy-breezy, cool factor. Sometimes you just want to feel glamorous without attracting too much attention. When those days happen, it’s most comfortable to keep things simple and understated, while also feeling beautiful.

Today in the comments I would like to hear about a piece in your wardrobe that evokes a feeling. Looking forward to reading your answers!

14 Responses

  1. Actually I have recently started to be able to ”borrow” items from my oldest son’s wardrobe (ah yes, my baby has outgrown me! 😳), and when I do I am reminded of how grateful I am to be his mother, to have the honour to raise this young and wise person, and how much I appreciate that he teaches me things daily, just as much as I teach him. Oh and on another note, I absolutely agree that tutus should not be limited to being a stage costume, tutus are always a perfect fashion statement! 😍😍😍

  2. I love all the ways you’ve rocked a tutu!! (And continue to do so) So chic and fabulous as always. I love hearing those bits and pieces of your history behind these pieces-so special! 🥰✨💗

  3. I designed my own dress for prom when I was 19, and my stepmother sewed it from scratch and it was EXACTLY how I wanted it ❤️ Can’t say I use it every day, but I have worn it for parties and special occasions since. It’s the one piece in my wardrobe I can say for sure could never be replaced.
    After reading this post I feel inspired to start rocking some tutus too!

  4. That’s so beautiful the words the pictures I loved to watch you dance we truly enjoyed those times you are very welcome one of your biggest fans dad

  5. Cybil..when I see you wearing a tutu, you simply glow! My favorite tutu of yours is your pale lilac one! Never shy away from stepping out in one!!

  6. ❤️ Been very lucky to have had a real life doll to sew for and dress up! Actually was on my way to fabric store….always feel like I am near you when I am creating something for you. Wish you would have included a picture of your candy apple red tutu-😍

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